Events in Scottish History
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1 March 1546
George Wishart, Protestant Martyr, burn at the stake at St Andrews on the orders of Cardinal David Beaton. The site is marked by a plaque and the letters "GW" in the roadway.

  2   March   1316  
Robert II son of Robert the Bruce's daughter, Marjorie, born in Paisley.
  2   March   1705  
William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield born. at Scone, Perthshire.
  2   March   1808   First meeting of the Wernerian Natural History Society  commonly abbreviated as the Wernerian Society,  a learned society interested in the broad field of natural history, an off-shoot of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
3 March 1759
John Jamieson, lexicographer, whose Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language  is credited with keeping the language alive, born in Glasgow.
  3   March   1792  
Robert Adam, Architect, died.
  3   March   1841  
Sir John Murray, Canadian Scots Oceanographer born to Scots parents in Cobourg, Ontario, Canada. He moved to Scotland aged 17.
  3   March   1847  
Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, born in Edinburgh.
4 March 1756
Sir Henry Raeburn, artist and portrait painter,  born in Edinburgh.
  4   March   1890

Forth Bridge opened by the Prince of Wales.
  5   March   1324  
David II, only son of Robert the Bruce and his second wife, Elizabeth de Burgh, born,
  5   March   1790  
Flora MacDonald, who saved "Bonnie Prince Charlie", died at Kingsburgh, Skye.
  6   March   1457   In a resolution of the 14th Parliament of James II, convened in Edinburgh, the games of football and golf were banned in favour of archery practice.  It stated "..that the fut ball and golf be utterly cryit doun and nocht usit."
  6   March   1836

The Battle  of the Alamo,1836, There were four Scots born,  Richard W Ballentine, John McGregor (piper), and Isaac Robinson.  David L. Wilson and many others of Scots ancestry were among the 189 defenders who resisted a Mexican army of 4,000 who began their assault at 0500 hrs.  The Alamo fell at 0630 hrs.  Only the non combatants were spared.
  6   March   1923   The forerunner of the  BBC began broadcasting in Scotland, from Glasgow, as 5SC.
7 March 1744 The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers held their first meeting on Leith Links.  The City of Edinburgh provided a silver club for competition which was won by  John Rattray.  He joined the Jacobite '45 Rising after the Battle of Prestonpans, becoming "Bonnie Prince Charlie's" personal surgeon. He avoided execution thanks to the intercession of Duncan Forbes, President of the Court of Session, a golfing friend.
8 March 1702
William III died at Kensington Palace after a fall from a horse.

Anne succeeded to the throne.
8 March 1899
Eric Linklater, author, born.
9 March 1566
David Rizzio, Mary Queen of Scots Italian Secretary,  murdered at Holyrood Palace.
9 March 1648
James Hamilton, 1st Duke of Hamilton died. 
10 March 1615
John Ogilvie SJ, the only Catholic Martyr in Scotland, was executed in Glasgow for saying Mass and for treason.
Statue of St John Ogilvie at St Thomas's Church, Keith

10 March 1748
John Playfair, mathematician, born in Benvie, Forfarshire.
  10   March   1823  
George Keith Elphinstone, 1st Viscount Keith GCB , died  a British admiral active throughout the Napoleonic Wars. He died on  He was born on 7th January 1746 in Elphinstone Tower, near Stirling
11 March 1911
Soldier and author, Sir Fitzroy Maclean, born.
11 March 1955
Sir Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin, died.
  12   March   1881   Andrew Watson, born in Guyana, son of a wealthy Scottish planter, Peter Miller, and a local girl, Rose Watson, made his first international appearance for Scotland's football team.
  12   March   1945  
"HMS VENGEANCE" left Greenock, four months after Commissioning, for the Mediterranean, and thence to join the British Pacific Fleet.
  13   March   1395  
John Barbour, latterly Archdeacon of Aberdeen, and  known as the father of Scottish Literature, and author of the account of Robert the Bruce, died.
  13/14   March   1941  
The Clydebank Blitz, left 528 dead, 617 injured, and 48,000 homeless, many of whom never returned.  Only 7 out of 12,000 houses intact.
  14   March   1900   Dame Margaret Kidd QC born at Bo'ness.  Scotland's first and, for more than quarter of a century, only female advocate. Called to the bar in 1923 she was the first woman in the United Kingdom to take silk in 1948. She became Scotland's first Sheriff Principal in 1960 when she took charge of the Sheriffdom of Dumfries and Galloway. She was Sheriff Principal of Perth and Angus from 1966 to 1974 and was made a Dame of the British Empire in 1975.
  15   March   1663  
John Campbell, 1st Earl of Loudon, Chancellor of Scotland, died.
  15   March   1754  
Archibald Menzies naval officer, surgeon, botanist, and artist born in Perthshire.
  16   March   1642    
Charles I issued at Westminster a Commission addressed to Archibald, 1st Marquis of Argyll, authorising him to raise a Royal Regiment of 1,500 men to be “led into our Realm of Ireland”. The Regiment was intended by the King to be his Royal Guard, later the Scots Guards.
  16   March   1995  
Simon Fraser Lord Lovat, Chief of Clan Fraser, died. He was involved in the formation of the Commandos, the Dieppe Raid and D-Day.
  17   March   1291   John Duns Scotus ordained a priest at St Andrews Church Northampton.
Source: The Scottish Invention of America, Democracy and Human Rights, Klieforth and Munro, 2004, ISBN 0-7618-2791
  17   March   1780  
Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. born.  He was leader of  The Disruption of 1843 when 470 Ministers walked out of the General Assembly in a dispute over the appointment of Ministers to Parishes, and thereafter of the Free Church of Scotland.
  18   March   1689  
Raising of Lord Leven's Regiment, later The King's Own Scottish Borderers.  The Regiment was raised for the defence of Edinburgh from the Jacobite Rebellion being lead by James Graham of Claverhouse, "Bonnie Dundee", and first saw action at the Battle of Killiecrankie. They served for 317 years with distinction until 2006  when they were merged with The Royal Scots in into "1 Scots", the  1st Battalion of The Royal Regiment of Scotland.
  19   March   1286  
Alexander III died, and was succeeded by Margaret, Maid of Norway. He died when his horse stumbled and he fell from a cliff at Kinghorn in Fife.
  19   March   1764  
Lieutenant-Colonel George Johnston born  in Annandale, Dumfriesshire,  he was briefly Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales, Australia after leading the rebellion later known as the Rum Rebellion which deposed the Governor, William Bligh. He died on 5th January 1823.
  19   March   1813  
David Livingstone born in Blantyre. Famous Missionary and African Explorer, doubts on his whereabouts brought about Henry Morton Stanley's Expedition to find him and the well known question "Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
  20   March   1141   David I and Malcolm IV
Malcolm IV "The Maiden" born.
  21   March   1729  
John Law, economist, known as the "Father of Finance", and the initiator of paper money, died.
  21   March   1925  
Murrayfield Stadium, the home of Scottish Rugby was opened
  22   March   1421  
Scottish and French troops under the command of the Earl of
defeated English forces at Baugé in Anjou.
Memorial to the Battle of Bauge from Alliance France-Ecosse

  23   March   1848  
Captain William Cargill, a veteran of the Peninsular War, arrived at  Otago Harbour,  New Zealand and was soon joined by Thomas Burns, nephew of Robert Burns, the Poet, who was appointed Minister to the settlement.
  24   March   1603  
The Union of Crowns. James VI of Scotland accedes to the English Throne and becomes  James I of England.
  25   March   1005  
Kenneth III killed by Malcolm II.
  25   March   1306  
Robert the Bruce, Earl of Annandale, crowned King of Scots at Scone in the presence the Bishops of St Andrews, Glasgow and Moray and the Abbot of Scone, and the Earls of  Atholl, Lennox and Menteith by the Countess of Buchan as representative of the Clan MacDuff.
  25   March   1437  
Coronation of  James II.
  25   March   1707   The Scottish Parliament adjourned, and met again on 12th May 1999.  
  26   March   1797  
James Hutton, father of Geology, died.
  27   March   1371  
 Robert II crowned at Scone.
  27   March   1625  
James VI died in his 59th year, the Stuart Monarch who united the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, he returned only once to his native land after acceding to the English Throne.  He became known as the "Wisest fool in Christendom.  Among his many achievements was the "Authorised Version" of the Bible, the first freely available in English, and still used today.
  27   March   1943   "HMS DASHER" exploded in the Clyde during a training exercise with the loss of 379 lives.  
  28   March   1633  
A Royal Warrant issued at Whitehall to raise Scotland's first Infantry Regiment, The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment), 1st Regiment of Foot, and served with distinction for 373 years.
 The Regiment was merged into the new Royal Regiment of Scotland this day in 2006 as "1 Scots", and were joined on 1st August  by The King's Own Scottish Borderers to become the "Royal Scots Borderers" Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland.
On 30th November 2021 1Scots became 1Ranger and left the Royal Regiment of Scotland.

29 March 1828 William Drummond, 4th Logiealmond, Privy Counsellor in Rome and Minister to the King of Sicily, died in Rome.
30 March 1296
Edward I of England sacked the Scottish town of Berwick and his army slaughtered its inhabitants.  It was re-built by the Northumbrians changing hands a further twelve times up to 1482, and  has been English ever since.  In 2008 the town voted unofficially to be returned to Scotland, a move which was also debated in the Scottish Parliament.
30 March 1406
James I captured by the English on his way to France.
  31   March   1652

Honours of Scotland saved from Cromwell's forces at Dunnottar Castle by Mrs Grainger, the Minister's wife from Kinneff.



