Events in Scottish History
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1 June  1679
The Covenanters defeated John Graham of Claverhouse at Drumclog.
1 June 1843
Dr Henry Faulds, pioneer of fingerprinting, was born in Beith, Ayrshire.
1 June 1878
The first Tay rail bridge, which was to collapse 18 months later, opened.
2 June 1581  
James Douglas, 4th Earl of Morton, was beheaded in Edinburgh's Grassmarket, having been found guilty of the murder of Lord Darnley.
2 June 1953
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

3 June 1726  
James Hutton, father of modern geology, was born.
3 June 1774  
The Poet Robert Tannahill was born in Paisley.
3 June 1863
Neil Munro, novelist and poet, perhaps best known for his "Para Handy" stories, born in Inverary.
4 June 1792 The King's Birthday Riots took place in Edinburgh.
5 June 1592
Act of the Scottish Parliament came into force "concerning the Office of Lyoun King of Armes and his brether Heraldis" judged the best regulated system of heraldry in Europe. This became The Court of the Lord Lyon.
5 June 1723

Adam Smith, known as "the father of economics", author of the "The Wealth of Nations" was born in Kirkcaldy.
5 June 1916
The loss of "HMS HAMPSHIRE" off Marwick Head, Orkney, with the loss of 660 lives, including Lord Kitchener. Only 12 survived.
6 June 1838
Thomas Blake Glover, "The Scottish Samurai", born in Fraserburgh.
6 June 1944
D-Day Landings in Normandy. The Allies including 75,000 British and Canadian Seaborne, 57,500 US Seaborne and 20,000 Airborne Troops landed in Normandy. 2009, 65th Anniversary.
BBC - Press Office - D-Day facts
7 June 1329 Heart
Robert the Bruce died at his manor near Cardross, Dumbarton.  He was buried at Dunfermline Abbey, and his heart was removed and embalmed. As recorded in 14th Century John Barbour's "The Bruce",   as the Bruce requested, his heart was to be taken to Jerusalem by Sir James Douglas, known as "The Black Douglas" , accompanied by Sir William St Clair of Roslin, Sir Robert and Sir Walter Logan, Sir William Keith, Sir Alan Cathcart and Sir Symon Loccard of Lee, and one other knight unnamed. Sir James Douglas was killed at the Battle of Teba, on 25th August, 1330, giving rise to the "Braveheart" story.
An embalmed heart, thought to be that of Robert the Bruce was discovered at Melrose Abbey in 1921, re-located in 1996 and re-interred in 1998 marked with a memorial which reads "A Nobel Hart May Have Nane Ease Gif Freedom Failye."  written by John Barbour in 1375,  which translates, "A noble heart can know no ease without freedom."
8 June 1772 Robert Stevenson, born. He is best known as a builder of lighthouses and was the engineer in charge of the construction of the  Bell Rock, and grandfather of the novelist, Robert Louis Stevenson.
8 June 1778

The Earl of Seaforth raised a regiment in 1778  for the American War from the MacKenzies and MacRaes of Ross-shire and Sutherland. In 1961 the Seaforth Highlanders amalgamated with the Camerons to form the Queen's Own Highlanders. In 1994 they were merged with the Gordon Highlanders to form The Highlanders. In March 2006 all the prestigious Scottish Regiments were merged into one new regiment with The Highlanders becoming 4th Bn The Royal Regiment of Scotland or "4 Scots".
9 June 597

St Columba died on Iona. Born in what is now  Donegal, Columba moved to Scotland as a penance after victory over the Irish king Dermott at the battle of Battle of Cúl Dreimhne in 561. He arrived in Scotland in 563 and founded a monastery on Iona which would be a leading Christian centre, and the base from which he would convert the Picts.
9 June 1573
William Maitland, Scottish statesman, died. Known as Secretary Maitland, he was Mary, Queen of Scots' Secretary of State, and one of the country's ablest administrators. He sought to bring about the union of England and Scotland through the recognition of Mary as Elizabeth I's heir.
9 June 1704
Duncan Forbes, 3rd of Culloden, died.
10 June 1688
James Francis Edward Stuart, the future "Old Pretender" was born (there are allegations that he arrived in a warming pan). Son of King James VII, and father of Charles Edward Stuart, the "Young Pretender", better known as "Bonnie Prince Charlie", he made repeated attempts to regain the throne for the Stuarts, failed to land in 1708 and defeated at Sherriffmuir in 1715. In 1745 the Jacobite Rising, led by his son, got as far south as Derby, but was defeated at Culloden bringing an end to Jacobite ambitions.
Prince James Francis Edward Stuart (1688-1766), Son of James II; 'The Old Pretender'

The history of Scotland - The Two Pretenders - The Old Pretender and Bonnie Prince Charlie,The Young Pretender
10 June 1719

Battle of Glenshiel, the final act of the minor Jacobite rising. The Jacobite side, led by the 10th Earl Marischal was just 1,000 strong and were defeated by a Hanoverian army under General Wightman after several hours of fighting.
11 June 1488 The Battle of Sauchieburn. James III and the Royalist army fought against his son and a collection of nobles. James was wounded falling from his horse after fleeing the battle and was subsequently killed by one of the rebels who was pretending to be a priest.
11 June 1560
Mary of Guise, Regent of Scotland, died. Mary was the wife of  James V and the mother of Mary Queen of Scots . Her main aim was the union of her native France and Scotland. She brought French Troops to Scotland to assert her role and her conflict with the Protestant Lords of Scotland was probably the lowest point in the "Auld Alliance" /"Vieille Alliance".
11 June 1930

The "EMPRESS OF BRITAIN"  launched from Clydebank by the Prince of Wales.
12 June 1298
William Wallace defeated Sir Aymer de Vallance, Earl of Pembroke, Sir John Sieward, son of the Earl of March and the English army, killing the general and a great number of the troops, at the Battle of  Black Ironside Forest, near Crail in Fife.
12 June 1940
The 51st (Highland) Division was forced to surrender at St Valéry-en-Caux. Left in France after the Evacuation of Dunkirk (completed 4th June) the Division fought on for a further 8 days as part of the French Army. The Divisional Badge in 1940 was the Saltire, the badge recreated in the Reel of the 51st when the dancing couple balance in line across the set when the reel is danced correctly.

13 June
1814 The Strathnaver Clearances began on the Sutherland estates. Families were given half an hour to remove their belongings before their cottages were set on fire.
13/14 June 1982
The 2nd Battalion, The Scots Guards, assaulted and captured Mount Tumbledown in a night attack in the Falklands War, with the loss of eight lives and forty one wounded. They were opposed by the Argentine 5th Marine Infantry Battalion who lost thirty lives.
14  June

John Logie Baird, inventor of the first television, died.
15 June 1844
Thomas Campbell, poet, died.
15 June 1996
Soldier and author, Sir Fitzroy Maclean, died.

16 June

The Siege of Dunbar Castle, defended for 5 months by Black Agnes, countess of Dunbar against the English was raised by Alexander Ramsay, who with 40 men  slipped through through the English lines with supplies.
16 June 1807
The Rev. John Skinner, author  of  "Tullochgorum",  described by Robert Burns  as "the best Scotch song ever Scotland saw", died. 
16 June 1971
Lord Reith died. Born in Stonehaven in 1889, son of a Church of Scotland Minister. During advances in the First World War he would sing the "Old Hundredth", in the belief that The Lord would not allow the interruption of the traditional Scottish Version of the Psalm. He was General Manager/Managing Director of the BBC from 1922 to 1927 and set the non commercial model for the corporation that has continued to this day. The Reith Lectures are held in his Memory.
Hear Lord Reith.


16 June 2012 At 12 noon a 21 Gun Salute was fired at Stirling Castle to mark H M The Queen's Official Birthday.
21-Gun Salute, Stirling Castle, 2012. - YouTube (The Queen's Birthday 21st April 2012)
17  June 1390

Alexander Stewart, the Wolf of Badenoch, burned Elgin Cathedral.
17 June 1567

Mary, Queen of Scots, was imprisoned in Loch Leven Castle, on the island in the middle of the loch after the her defeat  at the battle of Carberry Hill.  In the spring of the following year before Mary made her escape from the castle, dressed as a servant girl.
17 June 1823
Charles Macintosh patented the waterproof cloth he was using
to make raincoats.

18 June 1639
Pacification of Berwick.  Charles I's Army reaches Berwick-upon-Tweed, but being met by a larger Scottish Army, agrees a truce.
18 June 1815
The Battle of Waterloo was fought in Belgium. Many Scottish regiments took part in the battle, which ended Napoleon's "hundred days". Perhaps the most prominent action involving the Scottish contingent was that of The Gordon Highlanders and the Scots Greys. A French column with over 4,000 men advanced on the Highlanders, while the Gordons, with only about 300 men, were under strict orders not to give way. As the situation reached its most critical moment, suddenly the Scots Greys appeared on the top of the hill.  It is improbable that it happened  but the tradition of The Gordons is that they and Scots Greys charged the French column, crying "Scotland Forever", the Gordons hanging on to the stirrups of the cavalry horses.

19 June 1566
James VI was born to Mary, Queen of Scots, and Lord Darnley.  He acceded to the throne at the age of one, after his mother was forced to abdicate. Taught by protestant, George Buchanan, he became known as the "wisest fool in Christendom", an  ironic tribute to his sharp wit by Henri IV of France.  He is known for the King James Authorised Version of the Bible, published in 1611.  He  gaining the English throne in 1603  and  only returned once to Scotland, in 1617.
19 June 1606
James Hamilton, 1st Duke of Hamilton born. 
19 June 1861
Earl Haig was born in Edinburgh. He rose through the ranks of the 7th Hussars and became Commander in Chief of British Forces in 1915. His use of the Army in the  First World War has been called wasteful of lives, and his own grief at the casualties was given by him as the impetus for founding the Royal British Legion and initiation of the Poppy Day Appeal.
19 June 1937

JM Barrie, the Scottish playwright and novelist, died. Mainly remembered today for "Peter Pan" his works include "A Window in Thrums" and the "The Admirable Crichton".
20 June 1723
Adam Ferguson, philosopher and historian, born at Logierait, Perthshire.
21 June 1813


W E Aytoun, lawyer and poet, author of "The Heart of the Bruce", sherriff of "Orkney and Zetland" born.
21 June 1919
The German Fleet was scuttled at Scapa Flow, Orkney.
22 June 1679
 The Battle of Bothwell Bridge. The Covenanters were defeated  by Royal Troops led by the Duke of Monmouth.  Deaths on the field were few but more were killed later, and of the captured or surrendered, some were shipwrecked while being transported in "The Crown of London".
22 June 1680 The Sanquhar Declaration. The Rev. Richard Cameron, and his brother Michael, rode into  Sanquhar with 20 Covenanter horsemen, and called for an end to the reign of Charles II. The so-called  was viewed as an act of treason and the heads of all involved were declared forfeit to the Crown. Richard Cameron's head was valued at 5,000 merks, his brother's at 3,000.  One month later that bounty was collected at Aird's Moss when both brothers were killed.
23 June 1314
"Bruce defeats de Bohun on the eve of Bannockburn, from a children's history book" by Massam - Scanned from H E Marshall, Scotland's Story, 1906. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Robert the Bruce , King of Scots, killed Henry de Bohun on the eve of the  The Battle of Bannockburn. "I have broken my good battle-axe." are the words attributed to him by H E Marshall in "Scotland's Story".
24 June 1314
Robert the Bruce , King of Scots, defeats Edward II of England on at the Battle of Bannockburn. Edward's  force by various accounts amounted to
25,000-40,000 and the Scots some 9,000-13,000.  Bruce had chosen his ground carefully and pursued successful tactics to secure victory, and is seen now as the moment when Scotland's sovereignty was confirmed against apparently overwhelming odds. 2014.
24 June 1777
Sir John Ross, Scots Arctic Explorer born.
25 June 1936
Roy Williamson, Scottish folk musician and songwriter, born. A founder member of the folk group, "The Corries", for whom he wrote the song which has since become Scotland's unofficial National Anthem, "Flower of Scotland".
The Corries

26 June 1488
James IV crowned.
26 June 1695
"The Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies" Act passed by The Scottish Parliament.  Its capital was to be £600,000 sterling, half to be subscribed in London and half in Scotland. This was the first event in the ill-fated Darien Scheme.
RBS: Darien Adventure - National Guidelines, Illustrated history for teachers

27 June 1583
James VI escaped from Ruthven Castle to St Andrews Castle.
28 June 1746  
Flora MacDonald and Prince Charles Edward Stuart "The Young Pretender"  set sail from Benbecula to Skye. Heritage & Culture - The Skye Boat Song
28 June 1838
Victoria crowned.
28 June 1914 The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip was the spark that ignited the First World War.
29 June 1917
Prime Minister Lloyd George made a speech in Glasgow on peace terms during WWI.
30 June 1857
1st Day of the Trial of Madeleine Smith for Murder which ended "not proven".


